Contractor Program
At Highpoint we place a tremendous value on our contractor customers as being our representatives to the end user. To help assist in the education and the ability to inspire the end user we are now offering a beautiful “Handheld Display” for FREE (see details below). This display was developed to capture the imagination of the customer and to shine rays of brilliance on the possibilities of using our fixtures.
The Display Case
8 different light fixtures – shows the dramatic effect lighting can have on an outdoor living experience
Metal case – able to handle the rigors of constant use and provides a professional appearance
$125.00/Display Case or $225.00/2 - Display Cases
Special Offer
Buy a case of 25 of our deck lighting fixtures and receive a display case for FREE.​
Purchase 25 lighting fixtures within a 3 month period (Jun 1 – August 31) and receive a display case for FREE.​
25 lighting fixtures, mix and match – House Lighting, Post Cap Lighting, Rail Lighting, Step Lighting ​